We have the Best HOA in Town.
Fort Worth, TX
Email: info@reatameadows.com
Members NeededWe are looking for individuals who would like to join this committee. If you have experience or any interest in writing, editing, photography, planning, or social/content management.
Goals: Create two-way dialogue within the neighborhood and keep the entire community informed of important community events. Help manage the content for HOA website and Twitter and Facebook pages. Additionally, monitor the City Council agenda for Fort Worth that could impact our neighborhood. We also want to foster a cohesive community by organizing fun, exciting, engaging events and/or forums for the entire community so neighbors of all ages and backgrounds can meet and socialize with each other.
Email: info@reatameadows.com
Members NeededWe are looking for individuals who would like to join this committee. If you have any interest in ensuring the safety of our residents, please sign up today.
Goals: Enhance safety awareness in the community. Work with our Fort Worth Neighborhood Patrol Office and other local law enforcement agencies as needed. Organize and oversee a crime-prevention network of block captains for every street in the neighborhood so that residents can watch out for one another. Keep up with news on latest ideas and trends in both property crimes and crimes against persons and how to prevent those types of crimes in the community, and work with the Communications committee to share this information to the community.
Email: info@reatameadows.com
Members NeededWe are looking for individuals who would like to join this committee. If you have experience or any interest in decorating our neighborhood sign and various areas within the community for different holidays please let us know.
Goals: Come up with creative decorating ideas for our community to participate in celebrating different holidays. Work with the Social Committee to share this information and pictures with the entire community. We would like to celebrate Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Veteran's Day by putting out flags. Also, will need festive decorations for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.