We have the Best HOA in Town.
Fort Worth, TX
The HOA contracts FirstService Residential for day-to-day property management. A homeowner-elected board of directors elected at the annual HOA meeting is responsible for HOA oversight. Public board of director meetings are announced in advance. Minutes of these meetings are posted on the FirstService Residential website by the property manager.
All (including spas, swimming pools, solar panels, trellises, sheds, etc.) are subject to the By Laws for the Reata Meadows HOA and require review and approval by the homeowner-elected Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Please submit an ACC Modification Form using the form and mail it to First Service Residential, Attention: Reata Meadows ACC Approval, 1240 Keller Parkway, Suite #200, Keller, TX 76248.
No basketball goals, backboards and nets shall be located closer to the street than the front building line of the house on such Lot, so that the equipment shall not be visible from the street in front of the house. For permanent installation ACC approval Is required. Please submit an ACC Modification Form.
No radio, television, aerial wires, or other antennas shall be maintained on the outside of any building nor shall any free standing antenna of any style be permitted, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. AU television antennas and other antennas and aerials shall be located inside the attic of the residence constructed on the Lot. One (1) satellite dish over twenty (20) inches in diameter shall be permitted only if it is screened in a manner approved by the Architectural Control Committee and it is not visible from the street facing the residence and is no higher than the originally constructed roof line. No more than two (2) satellite dishes per Lot under twenty (20) inches in diameter (digital satellite receiver) shall be permitted so long as they are not visible from street facing the residence.
ACC approval is required. Please submit an ACC Modification Form.
Boats shall not be parked on any street for a period in excess of seventy-two (72) hours.
Please call the city at 817-392-4200 or report egregious noises to the Fort Worth Police non-emergency line at 817-392-4222. Emergencies and police assistance should involve calling 911.
Please contact FirstService Residential using the contact form on this website, or call 1-877-378-2388. Alternatively, you can contact our Association Manager Michelle Pope directly at 877-378-2388 or at michelle.pope@fsresidential.com.
President, Brandon Hines; Vice President, Clay Wilson; Treasurer, James Jander
$150 per year, per household.